sábado, octubre 8

Funciones en Morelia

El otro José se presenta en el programa número 4 los siguientes días:
Domingo 9/octubre 20:30 Cinepolis Morelia Sala 5
Lunes 10/ octubre 12:30 Cinepolis Morelia Sala 1
Jueves 13/octubre 15:00 Casa Clavijero

Toda la información en la página del festival


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Violent, lovesick Mexico City taxi driver finds himself commiting suicide.
Saved by a policemen, he changes his behavior for the better. Everything's going fine, when he finds himself facing a huge challenge - what he do? Continue with his new life or return to his violent past?

Jose, a Mexico City taxi driver with a serious temper problem, finds himself rejected by his only love.
In the process of commiting suicide, his unlikely rescue by a member of the corrupt Mexico City police shows him a new way of being.
Jose, finally seeing the light, decides to change his life for the better, rejecting his violent past.
In a middle of a party celebrating his transformation, he finds himself with a huge challenge - what he do? Continue with his new life or return to his violent past?

Siempre me ha sorprendido la gente que trata de corregir algún defecto en su forma de ser. Tenemos esta parte animal que muchas veces habla por encima de nuestro raciocinio, una bestia que para muchos difícilmente se puede domar.
Compartimos así la vida con nuestro propio Mr. Hyde y tratamos de vivirla en paz. Pero que sucede cuando la mayor parte del tiempo esta parte animal se libera y destruye todo lo que queremos?
Admiro mucho a las personas que pueden apaciguar a esta particular mascota pero quizá admiro más a la gente que tiene la capacidad de levantarse aunque caiga una y otra vez.

I have always been surprised by people that try to correct a character defect. It seems to me that our animal natural always beats out our rational self.
We share our life with our own Mr.Hyde, doing our best to peacefully coexist with him. But, what happens when this animal part always escapes and destroys everything we love?
I admire a great deal people that can control this particular pet, but I admire even more people who are able to get up after having fallen again and again.

This short film addresses these ideas.

6:57 p.m.  

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